Dear all co-owners at LHLB,
Here are the latest news from our Condominium:
- in short – all is under control, no major challenges or problems need to be reported;
- we have now a website: It gives good visibility to our condominium and it also improves communication (internal and external). The webpages give relevant information on our community, the neighborhood … all illustrated with many narrated pictures and documented with rich text. It also contains important information for all residents, for example the Rules and Regulations (R&R) at LHLB. This move to paperless communication is environmentally friendly, avoids wasting a lot of paper and gives easy and rapid access to (up-to-date) documents: nobody is supposed to ignore instructions on Swimming Pool and the surrounding area, on Fitness Room/Gym, on underground Parking, on prohibition of certain activities (like endangering other individuals, discomforting them, for example when smoking in common areas, …). A better awareness of the LHLB R&Rs is anticipated to result in a more harmonious atmosphere between residents and minimize areas of conflict. Please use this new tool and make suggestions for further improvement.

3. in the Fitness Room/Gym,following requests from residents, new pieces of equipment have been purchased for some 300 000 THB, because it was felt that the area was not sufficiently attractive and because some equipment was broken and could not be repaired. A new tread mill, a training bicycle and an elliptical trainer have been installed and work according to expectations.

4. in the corridors at LHLB,illumination has been refitted as some lights were broken and some were fading away with age. Now, there is more light and more color as requested by several co-owners.

The financial situation of our condo. continues to be good and stable. In order to remain so, the call for the annual maintenance fee AMF 2022-23 will be sent out end of June 2022: it is important that all co-owners pay their bills allowing Management to fulfill the duties to maintain our condo. in good condition as our building has more than 10 years and is showing the first signs of ageing.
It is reminded that the next Annual General Meeting (AGM) at LHLB is scheduled for Saturday December 10, 2022 at 10:00 in the Gym. You are most welcome and invited to attend.
We hope that this information is helpful for you and our living together: we invite you to share this information with anyone who may be (in)directly concerned.
Best regards to all of you, The Manager at LHLB, on behalf of the CJP Committee